Constitutional law encompasses a wide-range of issues, under both the Federal and state constitutions. While most people are aware of their personal constitutional rights like free speech and religious freedom, few understand that these rights also apply to businesses. In recent years, there have been a number of landmark cases defining and expanding these rights for businesses. Businesses that do not understand their rights will find themselves at a significant disadvantage to companies that do.
Courts are recognizing that constitutional rights of businesses have far reaching consequences in a number of areas. From political contributions, governance policies, and tax implications, the courts have repeatedly shown that businesses have rights, that while different, are as fundamental as the rights of citizens. Businesses are entitled to having their rights protected just as an individual, however few attorneys specializing in constitutional law understand or focus their attention on the rights of businesses. With the constantly changing law, it is important for any business attorney to understand how the needs of business and the constitution can work together to protect their business client.
Edward Allen follows these changes in the law to give our clients the best possible representation and offer unique solutions to problems where traditional business attorneys cannot. Both of Edward Allen’s founding partners have spent time working with federal judges — one at the district (trial) court level and one at the circuit (appellate) court level. Edward Allen’s attorneys are also cooperating attorneys with the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We are well-versed in Constitutional rights, how judges view and adjudicate such claims, and we are passionate about preventing and remedying violations.
If you think that your rights may have been violated, contact us today for a free, knowledgeable consultation.